








benjamin franklin gates
you're undertaking the deuterium family gauge behind
moshe spectacular crash extra i'm
grew throughout the ages the mood across continents
until it was hidden i america's founding fathers
i'm left close to the treasure's location night before
ll the unfinished pair the all seeing
telling us something keeping mission precious
mention is your test the treasure hunters on chin
were more like treasure protectors
all his life
benjamin gates has searched for a treasure no one believed to exist
don't get it been treasure i refuse to believe that
one what he thought was the final clue learning year's assertion
3 sure i'm is only the beginning the declaration attendance
you think there's a treasure map on the back of the declaration of independence
the map is invisible
why would we make this up where's your proof
liam had it like that
the they could take
where about the map about to get out is gonna try steal a
ninety second well protected decoration
is to stay on rushed home decorations
a bed from producer jerry bruckheimer and director jon turteltaub
it is surrounded by guards video monitors
little kids under age grade field trip in will go to prison
you know that friend now problem a pic of getting there
get there now the
gotta bring my team this thanksgiving
for clues have ten generations is more the rule
reveal a mystery twenty centuries in the making was a good in a creepy tunnel
inside the tomb first
some love the necklace
what's is she
because cue
national treasure
