merry Christmas
looks like marter's store is up in here
this is delicious honey
well a little dry
well mine was delicious
mines dry
you wanna tray
its Christmas(3times)
how we'd gonna survive in this house with 12 people stuck in the house with no heat and no electricity
or food
there is plenty of leftovers Howard
beer is
so we are saying there is no car =s no people
how long can this keep up
we heard something on the roof
what the hell is this
saint Nicolas is not coming this year
instead a much darker in ancient spirit
those are holes
a gock can a gock walks in his hind legs
his name is crumbus
he and his helpers did not come to give
but to take
this is not starting
everybody hold down to each other
he is the shadow of saint Nicolas
its Christmas nothing bad gonna happen on Christmas