









okay class like everything else in america today this revolution
will be televised
news is gossip where you think people people we do we do
the league ass for the like us it's fun
good swing is if a bill is paid maybe we should do one together
if it were a game who'd you play it pincus stuttering
track you the sewing room next door make now
she passes out he splits if it were a drug
would you be addicted houses gossip we spread it around like the way i hadn't
had sex in the bedroom
world boys happy he and bowyer
on the bed party did you tell somebody did something happen
i thought it was price absolutely not a few banking about it until i pass
per shirt stays on
just barely barely somebody sees residents and lampard yes she was
i heard i heard i heard she wears black problem price
and apparently take oliver men alpine ski
if it were weapon
would you pull the trigger
whatever it is you think i did i don't know why you think that
this is an ugly turn their you loved ones a three way
if not can own
if this is such a terrible thing how common has made in the newspaper miss
jones many have an opinion this is gossip right now isn't it
